Defence Media signs the Armed Forces Covenant


Wokingham, UK, 31 July 2023: Defence Media – a leading digital marketing, communications and PR agency for the defence and aerospace sector – is pleased to announce that it has formally signed the UK’s Armed Forces Covenant (AFC). The Covenant is a formal declaration to honour and support the armed forces community, and recognise the value it brings not only to business, but also the country.

The Armed Forces Covenant signifies the nation’s commitment to the armed forces – whether they are regular, reservist, veterans or military families – and ensures they are treated fairly and not disadvantaged. By signing the AFC, Defence Media recognises the important role of the armed forces and ensures that the company upholds the principles of the Covenant in a number of ways.

This includes promoting Defence Media as an armed forces-friendly organisation; supporting the employment of veterans and service spouses and partners; granting additional leave for Reserves training and supporting mobilisation; and supporting national events that recognise the armed forces, including Remembrance activities.

By signing the AFC, Defence Media firmly believes that this not only demonstrates our commitment to the armed forces community but also enhances the diversity, skills, and resilience of our workforce. By harnessing the unique talents and experiences of veterans, reservists and wider families, we strengthen our corporate capabilities and cultivate an environment of respect, inclusivity, and collaboration.

Defence Media is a part-veteran-owned company and has a number of suppliers that are ex-military or serving reservists, giving the company a critical insight into service life. As an agency dedicated to the defence industry, Defence Media also recognises the important role that defence plays in our society and the critical impact that armed forces have when it comes to protecting people from emerging threats and promoting peace in our world.

Beth Stevenson, Founding Director at Defence Media, said: “We are honoured to take this important step in demonstrating our unwavering support for our armed forces personnel and their families.

“We recognise the immense sacrifices made by these brave individuals in safeguarding our nation’s security and protecting our way of life. By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, we affirm our commitment to ensuring their fair treatment and providing valuable opportunities that leverage their unique skills and experiences.”

Defence Media Founding Director signs the Armed Forces Covenant (Credit: Defence Media)

Defence Media Founding Director signs the Armed Forces Covenant (Credit: Defence Media)

About Defence Media

Defence Media Ltd. was founded in 2019 and offers specialist B2B marketing and communications services to companies in the defence and aerospace sectors. The company has a worldwide footprint with expertise in several areas including digital marketing, communications, and PR.

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